I LOVE Twins! I have now photographed over 20 sets of twins or triplets within the past 12 months! Every single photo session has made me smile. It brings back so many memories of my little twin girls when they were newborns. My heart is happy …
Airplane Cake Smash at Willow Baby Photography
I first met this little guy when he was just a day old!
How fast they grow …
I am ONE! What a clever little boy!
Such a cutie!
Jan. 10, 2014 – Little Miss O holds a special place in my heart since I have gotten to know her sweet personality so well. Back in for her 6 month session and full of love! Daddy showed up and then her eyes lit right up and she couldn’t take her eyes off of him!
Anyone who has been into my studio knows that I won’t hesitate to ask for help with reflectors, moving baskets, and even bringing heavy Christmas presents up the stairs to hide from my kids! Little Miss O didn’t seem to mind helping me adjust my white balance either!
Jan. 8, 2014 – Welcome Sweet Baby
This little family was just darling! At only 5 days old, Baby T was so curious about her surroundings. Mommy and Daddy were a bit camera shy but I think they shouldn’t have been … you be the judge:

Hey Photographers and friends, You can buy this darling outfit at Shan’s Knits on Etsy!